Thursday, November 11, 2010

What's the point?

I'm starting both the Twitter account and this blog for one reason - I love the area I grew up and live in!  I especially love the formative elements of it - what gives it it's character and strength.  To me, that involves several layers.  The first is the land itself, centered around Sunbury, Pennsylvania - the Susquehanna River Valley and the Ridge and Valley geologic province.  I love the hills and streams, woods and wildlife, and the fun to be had in them!  Whether it's hunting, fishing, bird-watching, hiking, or foraging - I love them all!

The second layer for me is the predominant culture of the area - Pennsylvania Dutch!  I love the vocabulary I've inherited, and the quizzical looks from strangers which it invokes.  I love the food!  My favorites are standard Dutch fare - pig stomach, dandelion, sauerkraut chowder, potato soup - getting hungry?  I love the agricultural life which was at one time the norm throughout the region, and salute those that still carry that torch.  My family has been involved in agriculture in one form or another in this area for eight generations, and I hope it will continue for eight more!

Thirdly, I love the underlying freedoms which drew my ancestors and others to this area, specifically freedom of religion.  Lutherans, Mennonites, Amish, and Catholics all came to this area so they could worship according to the dictates of their own consciences.  That freedom and tolerance (thank you William Penn!) has been instrumental to making this area what it has become - rich in history and tradition, with plenty of local color!

So, that's it.  From Harrisburg north to Wellsboro, State College to Reading, this is about the land, the people, the history and the culture.  This is my home - God bless it!

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